We had seen firsthand that great tools can transform the way engineering and product teams work, and even a company’s culture. And we set out on our mission to bring these tools to a much broader audience.
Many people know Statsig for our experimentation engine. However, what is lesser known is that the vast majority of our customers also use us for feature flags. Despite the utility and simplicity of feature flagging, many companies are stuck paying for expensive point solutions or waste time building their own in-house flagging tools.
Today, we’re launching a suite of free feature management tools for product and growth teams. With modern gates, rollouts, and configs unconstrained by seat limits or MAUs, businesses can deliver on product goals faster, save money, and eliminate a lot of frustration. This new offering enables teams to grow sustainably into deeper experimentation when they are ready—all through a single integrated platform.
Many of Statsig’s founding team had worked at tech companies before Facebook. In those organizations, we spent hours debating details, making small decisions, and writing design docs before a single line of code got written.
But life was different at Facebook. Why?
Put simply: Facebook invested an enormous amount of time and energy into a set of internal tools that allowed engineers to move fast, without breaking things.
The confluence of Gatekeeper (Facebook’s internal feature flag tool), Quick Experiments (an A/B/n testing tool), and Deltoid (a sophisticated experimentation platform), unlocked a build→measure→learn→repeat loop that freed the entire organization from effort-intensive debates on the ‘right thing to do’.
You have an idea for how to improve the product? Great—test it.
We’ve spent the last two years executing this vision, and are thrilled by how deeply it’s resonated with our customers. Today, we have 900+ companies using our platform to test and ship features that reach billions of users around the world. Our customers have shipped thousands of new features faster, with more confidence, and have seen the transformative power of our platform firsthand.
There’s another factor that enabled Facebook’s engineering flywheel: a culture of experimentation.
Engineers and product managers were willing to build fast and try new things. They knew how to formulate a hypothesis, set up an experiment, and interpret the results. Over time, these processes became a unique way of doing things, a core part of the company’s DNA.
This culture is hard to develop—even in companies that have access to a great set of tools.
Many startups and small companies are still in the early stages of their experimentation journey, and our core product offering (full-service feature flags and A/B/n experimentation that leverages advanced statistical techniques, etc) can seem overwhelming to them. For many, building the culture to maximally leverage all these tools is a multi-year journey.
But every great journey begins with taking the first step.
Gating features is a core part of the modern development process, and it’s often the beginning of a company’s experimentation journey.
No matter the size or maturity of a company, its engineers will benefit from being able to quickly and safely ship code. Countless engineers have had their first experimentation ‘a-ha’ moment after turning on a new feature and seeing their metrics fly—or shutting off a feature and seeing a dramatic change.
Our new feature management offering includes:
No limitations on the number of flags, users, seats, or environments
Advanced user targeting, segmentation, and dynamic configuration tools
An easy-to-use, modern experience with collaboration tools built-in for cross-functional teams
A frictionless path for teams to continue their experimentation journey, with business metric lifts analysis built natively into feature flag rollouts when you upgrade to Statsig Pro
Teams can use Statsig’s Feature Management offering for free up to 500M events per year. Most businesses will be able to meet their full feature flag needs with this offering for free, in perpetuity.
We believe product teams can massively level up their launch velocity and innovation by using data to drive decision-making at scale. Feature management is the first step towards achieving this and should be a low-cost turnkey tool in every product team’s modern growth stack.
Been disappointed by other providers promising the same? Come build with us, you’ll be surprised how much better things can be.
Get started over at our feature gates page.