How does Statsig integrate with Heap?

Fri Jul 19 2024

Heap and Statsig are two powerful tools that, when integrated, can supercharge your product experimentation and analytics capabilities. By combining Heap's automatic user behavior tracking with Statsig's feature flagging and experimentation platform, you can gain deep insights into how your users interact with your product features.

Heap's retroactive analysis allows you to answer questions about user behavior that you didn't even know to ask, while Statsig enables you to quickly test new features and configurations to optimize the user experience. Together, they form a potent toolkit for data-driven product development.

What is Heap?

Heap is a digital insights platform that automatically captures all user interactions with your product, without requiring any manual tracking code. This means you can analyze user behavior retroactively, even if you didn't plan ahead for specific events or funnels.

With Heap, you can:

  • See how users navigate through your product

  • Identify where users drop off in key funnels

  • Segment users based on their behavior and attributes

  • Get real-time insights into product usage and trends

Heap's automatic data capture and flexible analysis tools make it a powerful solution for understanding how users engage with your product. By integrating Heap with Statsig, you can take your product analytics to the next level.

What is Statsig?

Statsig is a feature management and experimentation platform that enables companies to make data-driven decisions and rapidly iterate on their products. It offers a suite of tools for A/B testing, feature flags, and product analytics, allowing teams to test new features, measure their impact, and roll them out to users in a controlled manner.

With Statsig, you can easily integrate with tools like Heap to gain deeper insights into user behavior and product usage. By combining Statsig's experimentation capabilities with Heap's analytics, you can make informed decisions based on real user data and optimize your product for maximum engagement and growth.

Whether you're a startup looking to validate new ideas or an established company seeking to continuously improve your product, Statsig provides the flexibility and control needed to make data-driven decisions at scale. Its intuitive interface and powerful APIs make it easy to get started, while its advanced features and integrations allow you to grow and adapt as your needs evolve.

How does this Statsig and Heap integration work?

When you enable the Heap integration in Statsig, it automatically exports events to your configured Heap app. This includes information on the status of each user's feature gates and experiment groups.

Every time you call the initialize API from a Statsig client SDK, Statsig sends events to your Heap app. These events contain properties mapping the names of feature gates to true or false, indicating whether the user passes each gate. For experiments, the events map experiment names to the variants assigned to each user.

Statsig can also forward exposures (Gate, Experiment, Config) and custom events to Heap as they are received from SDKs, Integrations, or the HTTP API. These events are sent to Heap in batches using a JSON format, including fields like eventName, user, userID, timestamp, value, metadata, and more.

To set up the integration, you'll need to copy your Heap App ID from your Heap Projects page and paste it into the App ID input field in the Statsig Integrations page. Once saved, Statsig will start exporting events to your Heap app, enabling you to analyze feature gate and experiment data alongside your other Heap events.

By combining Statsig's feature management and experimentation capabilities with Heap's powerful product analytics, you can gain deeper insights into how your features and experiments impact user behavior. This integration streamlines the process of collecting and analyzing this data, allowing you to make data-driven decisions more efficiently.

How to learn more about the Heap and Statsig integration

Statsig's documentation provides step-by-step guides for integrating with Heap. It covers everything from setting up the integration to understanding the event formats sent to Heap.

To make the most of the Statsig data in Heap, dive into Heap's documentation. It explains how to analyze and visualize the feature flag and experiment data from Statsig.

For hands-on learning and expert advice, check out Statsig's community forums and webinars. You'll find best practices, real-world examples, and opportunities to ask questions about integrating Heap and Statsig.

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