What is trunk based development?

Thu Feb 15 2024

As software teams grow and codebases expand, effective collaboration becomes increasingly crucial. Adopting the right branching strategy can make all the difference in your team's productivity and the quality of your software.

Trunk-based development (TBD) has emerged as a popular approach to streamline development workflows and minimize merge conflicts. By embracing TBD, teams can achieve faster release cycles, improved code quality, and enhanced collaboration.

Understanding trunk-based development

Trunk-based development is a version control management practice that emphasizes integrating code changes into a shared trunk or main branch frequently. In TBD, developers work on short-lived feature branches, typically lasting no more than a day or two, before merging their changes back into the trunk.

The core principles of TBD include:

  • Frequent integration: Developers merge their code changes into the trunk daily, ensuring that everyone is working with the latest codebase.

  • Short-lived branches: Feature branches are kept small and focused, minimizing the risk of diverging too far from the main branch.

  • Continuous integration and testing: With frequent merges, automated testing and continuous integration become essential to catch and resolve issues quickly.

In contrast, feature branching involves creating longer-lived branches for each feature or task. Developers work on these branches independently, often for weeks or even months, before merging them back into the main branch.

While feature branching can provide a sense of isolation and autonomy, it comes with several potential pitfalls:

  • Merge conflicts: As feature branches diverge from the main branch over time, the likelihood of merge conflicts increases, leading to time-consuming resolutions.

  • Integration challenges: Merging large, complex features can be difficult and error-prone, especially if the main branch has evolved significantly in the meantime.

  • Delayed feedback: With long-lived branches, feedback on code changes is delayed, potentially leading to rework and wasted effort.

By adopting trunk-based development, teams can mitigate these issues and foster a more collaborative and efficient development process. TBD encourages developers to break down features into smaller, incremental changes that can be integrated and tested frequently, reducing the risk of merge conflicts and enabling faster feedback loops.

Benefits of trunk-based development

Trunk-based development promotes continuous integration, ensuring that developers integrate their code changes daily. This practice leads to fewer merge conflicts and a more stable codebase, as issues are identified and resolved quickly. By integrating code changes frequently, teams can avoid the "integration hell" often associated with long-lived feature branches. For more details, you can check out this article, this blog post, and this detailed guide.

TBD enables faster release cycles by keeping the codebase in a deployable state at all times. With a stable trunk, teams can confidently release new features and bug fixes to production more frequently. This approach allows organizations to respond quickly to customer feedback and changing market demands, giving them a competitive edge. Learn more about effective deployment strategies in this article, this guide, and this overview.

Improved collaboration is another key benefit of trunk-based development. As developers regularly see and react to each other's changes, they can provide timely feedback and support. This fosters a culture of teamwork and shared ownership, leading to better code quality and faster problem-solving. Check out examples of successful collaboration from this blog, this platform, and this case study.

TBD encourages developers to break down work into smaller, manageable tasks. By focusing on incremental changes, teams can reduce the complexity of individual updates and minimize the risk of introducing bugs. This approach also makes it easier to review and test code changes, ensuring that quality remains high throughout the development process. For further reading, explore this detailed post, this article, and this guide.

Trunk-based development promotes a culture of shared responsibility and accountability. With everyone working on the same codebase, developers are more likely to take ownership of the entire system, rather than just their individual contributions. This mindset shift can lead to better design decisions, more effective problem-solving, and a stronger sense of team cohesion. Explore more about shared responsibility in this article, this blog post, and this detailed overview.

Implementing trunk-based development

Branching by abstraction is a technique that allows developers to manage changes without creating long-lived branches. This approach involves creating abstractions in the codebase, such as interfaces or components, that encapsulate the changes. Developers can then work on the new implementation behind the abstraction, while the existing code continues to use the old implementation.

Feature flags are a powerful tool for managing the visibility of new features in a trunk-based development environment. By wrapping new functionality in feature flags, developers can deploy incomplete features to production without affecting end-users. This allows for incremental development and enables teams to gather feedback and perform testing on new features before making them widely available.

A typical TBD workflow involves daily integrations, code reviews, and automated testing. Developers work on small, focused tasks and integrate their changes into the trunk at least once per day. Code reviews are performed regularly to ensure code quality and maintain a shared understanding of the codebase. Automated testing is crucial in TBD, as it helps catch bugs early and ensures that the trunk remains in a releasable state.

Continuous integration (CI) systems play a vital role in trunk-based development by automatically building, testing, and validating code changes. When a developer integrates their changes into the trunk, the CI system triggers a build and runs a suite of automated tests. If the build or tests fail, the team is notified immediately, allowing them to quickly address any issues.

Code reviews are an essential part of the TBD process, helping maintain code quality and share knowledge among team members. Reviews can be conducted through pull requests or pair programming sessions. The goal is to provide constructive feedback, catch potential issues early, and ensure that the codebase remains maintainable and understandable for all developers.

Effective communication and collaboration are key to successful trunk-based development. Teams should establish clear guidelines for branching, merging, and code reviews. Regular stand-up meetings or asynchronous updates help keep everyone informed about the current state of development and any challenges faced. By fostering a culture of openness and transparency, teams can quickly resolve issues and maintain a steady pace of development.

Trunk-based development encourages developers to break down large features into smaller, more manageable tasks. This approach makes it easier to integrate changes frequently and reduces the risk of merge conflicts. By focusing on delivering incremental value, teams can gather feedback early and make course corrections as needed, ultimately leading to a more responsive and adaptive development process.

Adopting trunk-based development requires a shift in mindset and a commitment to continuous improvement. Teams may need to invest in training and tooling to support this new way of working. However, the benefits – such as faster time-to-market, improved code quality, and increased collaboration – make the effort worthwhile. By embracing TBD, organizations can stay competitive and deliver value to their customers more efficiently.

Challenges and solutions in trunk-based development

Managing large features can be challenging in trunk-based development. One strategy is to break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. Another approach is to use feature toggles, allowing you to incrementally develop and deploy large features.

Automated testing and continuous integration (CI) tools are essential for ensuring code quality in TBD. Automated tests should be comprehensive and run frequently to catch bugs early. CI tools help maintain a stable trunk by automatically building and testing code changes. For instance, LinkedIn's rigorous testing approach ensures 99.9% confidence in their releases.

Adopting trunk-based development often requires a cultural shift within the team. Developers must be disciplined in making regular, small integrations and collaborating closely with their peers. Fostering a culture of open communication, trust, and shared responsibility is crucial for successful TBD adoption.

Effective code reviews are vital in trunk-based development. They help maintain code quality, share knowledge, and catch issues early. Code reviews should be timely, constructive, and focused on improving the codebase rather than assigning blame. For example, Pinterest's approach to code review helps maintain high standards.

Trunk-based development encourages developers to embrace incremental development. By breaking down work into smaller, more manageable pieces, teams can deliver value faster and gather feedback earlier. This approach helps reduce the risk of large, complex merges and enables more responsive development.

Continuous delivery (CD) practices complement trunk-based development well. By automating the release process, teams can deploy code changes to production more frequently and with greater confidence. CD helps ensure that the trunk is always in a releasable state, enabling faster time-to-market. DoorDash's continuous delivery practices exemplify this approach.

Monitoring and alerting are critical in a trunk-based development environment. With frequent integrations and deployments, it's essential to have robust monitoring in place to quickly detect and resolve issues. Automated alerts help teams respond promptly to any problems, minimizing the impact on end-users. Netflix's monitoring strategies offer insights into efficient issue detection.

Trunk-based development promotes a culture of experimentation and learning. By encouraging developers to integrate their changes frequently, TBD creates opportunities for rapid feedback and iteration. Teams can quickly test ideas, learn from failures, and adapt their approach based on real-world insights. For instance, Statsig's experimentation platform enables rapid iteration and learning.

Tools and best practices for trunk-based development

Version control systems like Git are essential for effective trunk-based development. They allow developers to collaborate on a shared codebase while maintaining a clear history of changes. Best practices include using descriptive commit messages, keeping commits small and focused, and using branching strategies like feature toggles to manage work-in-progress code.

Continuous integration (CI) tools automate the process of building, testing, and integrating code changes. Popular CI tools include Jenkins, CircleCI, and Travis CI. These tools help ensure that code changes are thoroughly tested before being merged into the trunk, reducing the risk of introducing bugs or breaking changes.

Feature flag management tools like LaunchDarkly streamline the deployment process and reduce risk. They allow developers to release new features to a subset of users, gradually rolling them out to a wider audience as confidence grows. This approach enables faster feedback loops and reduces the impact of any issues that may arise.

Automated testing is a critical component of trunk-based development. Unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests should be written and run frequently to catch bugs early and ensure that code changes don't break existing functionality. Tools like Jest, Mocha, and Selenium can help automate testing efforts.

Code reviews are an essential best practice in trunk-based development. They help maintain code quality, share knowledge, and catch issues early. Code review tools like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket facilitate collaborative reviews and discussions.

Monitoring and alerting tools are crucial for detecting and resolving issues quickly. Tools like Datadog, New Relic, and Prometheus help teams monitor application performance, identify anomalies, and respond to incidents promptly. Automated alerts ensure that teams are notified of any issues as soon as they arise.

Collaboration and communication tools are essential for fostering a culture of teamwork and transparency. Tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom facilitate real-time communication and collaboration among team members. Project management tools like Jira, Trello, and Asana help teams plan, track, and prioritize work.

Documentation is a critical best practice in trunk-based development. Clear, up-to-date documentation helps developers understand the codebase, onboard new team members, and maintain consistency across the project. Tools like Confluence, Google Docs, and GitHub Pages can help teams create and maintain documentation.

Continuous delivery (CD) tools automate the process of deploying code changes to production. Tools like AWS CodePipeline, Azure DevOps, and Google Cloud Build help teams build, test, and deploy code changes quickly and reliably. CD tools ensure that the trunk is always in a releasable state.

Experimentation platforms like Optimizely and Statsig enable teams to rapidly test and iterate on new features. These tools allow developers to run A/B tests, measure the impact of changes, and make data-driven decisions. Experimentation platforms help teams validate ideas quickly and learn from real-world feedback. Learn more about experimentation platforms.

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