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Akin Olugbade

Product Manager, Statsig

Session Streams

We’re excited to rollout out Session Stream support in our Metric Drilldown and Funnel charts. Session Streams allow to contextualize a data point by giving granular, event-by-event understanding of a users’s experience before and after the data point in question.

To use Session Steams in Metric Drilldown charts, click on a data point and select “View Session Streams". This will present a list of users that performed the event in question. For each user, you can then see all of the user’s events in the date range of the data point, with the relevant event highlighted. You can also easily hide irrelevant or noisy events.

To use Session Streams in Funnels, click on a funnel step and choose "View Session Streams”. The behavior will be similar to the above with the added context of each relevant event in the funnel will be highlighted.

Session Streams will begin rolling out today!

Session Streams

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Multi-Event Steps in Funnels

We’re introducing Multi-Event Funnel Steps feature in our product analytics suite, designed to give you greater flexibility in analyzing user behaviors. This tool allows you to group multiple, related user actions—like viewing a product, adding to a cart, or checking product details—into a single funnel step.

This functionality recognizes that different user actions can often represent similar steps in the user journey. For instance, adding an item to a wishlist and adding it to a cart could indicate a user’s interest in a product. By grouping these actions together, you can analyze them as a single step in your funnel, simplifying and adding flexibility your analysis - providing a clearer view of how users move through your product.

This approach helps you better understand the variety of ways users interact with your product, and allowing you to capture these nuances in Statsig, making it easier turn the variety of real world ways users interact with your product into useful insights.

Give Multi-Event Funnel Steps a try today!

Multi-Event Steps in Funnels

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Akin Olugbade

Product Manager, Statsig

Keyboard Navigation Improvements

We’ve made it easier to navigate Statsig with a keyboard. You can now use our search functionality (cmd+k) to navigate to specific product entry-points such as Feature Gates, Experiments, of Metrics Explorer. This makes it easier and faster to get around Statsig, especially if you prefer navigating through our interface with a keyboard instead of a mouse or trackpad. You can use the search shortcut wherever you are in Statsig. You can also use it to navigate to specific entities such as a specific dashboard, dynamic config, or feature gate.

Happy navigating!

Keyboard Navigation

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Vineeth Madhusudanan

Product Manager, Statsig

Outlier Detection on WHN

In some cases, your metrics can be materially influenced by a few outliers. This check will alert you when this is the case, so you can evaluate if using tools like Winsorization or Capping is appropriate. It will also make sure capping is not unduly influencing results if already applied.

This feature is available on Statsig Warehouse Native.

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Akin Olugbade

Product Manager, Statsig

Reusable Cohorts

Saved and Reusable Cohorts is a powerful new feature in our product analytics at Statsig, designed to simplify tracking and understanding user behavior. This feature enables you to define, save, and reuse detailed definitions of user groups based on their interactions with your product. These definitions can range from simple behavioral patterns to complex combinations of activities or shared user properties. Cohorts are useful for recognizing different engagement phases and adjusting your strategies to better meet your users’ needs. Now, when you create an interesting or useful cohort, you can save that definition for later reuse.


Cohorts provide an important way to segment users for analysis. You can create cohorts that capture basic actions, detailed interactions, or define groups by user properties that signify different levels of engagement. Once defined, these cohorts can be easily reused by the entire team.

Examples Engagement Levels: Track users who consistently engage with specific features, such as those who have purchased an item 5 times in the last month.

Behavioral Sequences: Monitor the progression of users who follow a specific sequence of actions, like signing up, engaging with a tutorial, and using a premium feature, all within their first few days. This helps identify how well new features or tutorials convert new users into active users.

Re-engagement: Identify users who have re-engaged with a feature after a period of dormancy, such as those who performed an event in the last 7 days but had not performed the event in the 7 days prior.

Cohorts are a powerful tool for data analysis, offering valuable insights into user behavior. Saved and Reusable Cohorts make using cohorts easier than ever.

Saved Cohorts

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Vineeth Madhusudanan

Product Manager, Statsig

🧱 Capped Metrics on WHN

Capped Metrics are now available on Statsig Warehouse Native. With this capability, you can define max values for a metric for whatever unit type(s) are configured for this metric. Any value surpassing the set cap will automatically be adjusted downward to match it.

For instance, if you determine that purchases greater than $10,000 per day on your E-commerce platform should not skew analysis, any transaction exceeding this threshold will be adjusted downward to this limit, ensuring the integrity of your experiment analysis.

Capped metrics are available for Count and Sum metric types. Read more in our docs.

Capped Metrics

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Vineeth Madhusudanan

Product Manager, Statsig

Differential Impact Detection

Statsig can now automatically flag when sub-populations respond very differently to an experiment. This is sometimes referred as Heterogeneous Effect Detection or Segments of Interest.

Overall results for an experiment can look "normal" even when there's a bug that causes crashes only on Firefox, or when feature performs very poorly only for new users. You can now configure these "Segments of Interest" and Statsig will automatically analyze and flag experiments where we detect differential impact. You will be able to see the analysis that resulted in this flag.

Learn about how this works or see how to turn this on in docs. This feature is available on Statsig Warehouse Native (and is coming to Statsig Cloud soon).

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New look and feel on Statsig

Over the Seattle summer, you will see a refreshed new look on Statsig. Building on the updated navigation, we have consolidated search, project settings and notifications into the left rail. We have simplified the gate/experiment creation screens and made 47 other little tweaks. Let us know what you think in Slack!

Statsig in 2024 is a far richer product than in 2021. We've added new product surfaces like Product Analytics and Session Replay. Experimentation has added features ranging from Meta-Analysis to Stratified Sampling. Feature flag creation lets you configure automated rollouts, ownership, and change approvers. The new look aims to keep Statsig friendly and easy to use even as we add this power. Stay tuned...

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Sid Kumar

Product Marketing, Statsig

Statsig Managed API Proxy

A large but little-known problem in experimentation and feature flagging is tracking blockers (like ad blockers, VPNs, and corporate firewalls).

These can end up blocking feature flags, experiments, and even runtime dynamic config data, resulting in bugs or the exclusion of users. This has a big impact on results - biasing tests and/or reducing statistical power.

We just rolled out a new feature to solve this problem: a managed API proxy. This gives you a unique URL to send and receive data to/from Statsig servers, which makes it way less likely to be intercepted by client-side or DNS-side blockers.

It's super easy to set up (literally one click) and available to all pro tier and enterprise customers.

Read our docs for full details:

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Akin Olugbade

Product Manager, Statsig

A New and Modern Home Experience

We are excited to introduce a redesigned Statsig Home experience that puts your most important information at your fingertips. Our goal is to make it easier for you to access key insights about your product and your Statsig project, all in one place. The new Home experience is customizable, allowing you to display up to three widgets at a time for a personalized view of your data and activities.


  • Recently Visited: Quickly jump back to the last places and entities you’ve visited in Statsig, making it easier to pick up where you left off without extensive searching.

  • Project Updates: Keep track of important changes like Feature Rollouts or new Experiment launches. This widget can be expanded to provide a detailed view of updates in your project, including Experiment and Feature release velocity. Stay on top of what’s new and what’s changing at a glance.

  • Recently Seen Users: Get a quick snapshot of new user growth over the last day, week, and month. Additionally, this widget provides a quick view into specific users recently seen in your product, which is particularly valuable for startups tracking new users onto their products.

  • More coming soon!: We will be adding new widgets that you can swap into your Home experience over time. Upcoming widgets include a dedicated Velocity widget to monitor project speed, a Billing widget to track your Statsig usage, and an Ingestions widget to keep tabs on your data imports.


You can now pin any existing Dashboard to your Home experience. This feature brings the most important data about your product front and center, ensuring you maintain a continuous sense of how your product, feature releases, or experiments are performing. By keeping key metrics in plain sight, you can make informed decisions faster.

The new Home experience will start rolling out today. As always, let us know what you think!

Home V3

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OpenAI OpenAI
Brex Brex
Notion Notion
SoundCloud SoundCloud
Ancestry Ancestry
At OpenAI, we want to iterate as fast as possible. Statsig enables us to grow, scale, and learn efficiently. Integrating experimentation with product analytics and feature flagging has been crucial for quickly understanding and addressing our users' top priorities.
Dave Cummings
Engineering Manager, ChatGPT
Brex's mission is to help businesses move fast. Statsig is now helping our engineers move fast. It has been a game changer to automate the manual lift typical to running experiments and has helped product teams ship the right features to their users quickly.
Karandeep Anand
At Notion, we're continuously learning what our users value and want every team to run experiments to learn more. It’s also critical to maintain speed as a habit. Statsig's experimentation platform enables both this speed and learning for us.
Mengying Li
Data Science Manager
We evaluated Optimizely, LaunchDarkly, Split, and Eppo, but ultimately selected Statsig due to its comprehensive end-to-end integration. We wanted a complete solution rather than a partial one, including everything from the stats engine to data ingestion.
Don Browning
SVP, Data & Platform Engineering
We only had so many analysts. Statsig provided the necessary tools to remove the bottleneck. I know that we are able to impact our key business metrics in a positive way with Statsig. We are definitely heading in the right direction with Statsig.
Partha Sarathi
Director of Engineering
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